
segunda-feira, 31 de julho de 2017

For sale: 1972 Bedford Blitz - Finland

This rusty 1972 Blitz is for sale over in Finland for only 500€. It looks like it's been sitting in the guys backyard for some time but it does look like it's worth fixing up. 

Location: Janakkala, Kanta-Häme
"Myydään Bedford Blitz projetiksi tai varaosaautotsi ei purettu kaikki osat on tallessa paperit on käynyt viimeksi vuosi sitten ruoste vikaa on korissa"

Link: https://www.nettiauto.com/en/bedford/cf/8995045

sexta-feira, 28 de julho de 2017

Vauxhall Approved Accessory

Yes, it's true. Back in the day, sunviosrs were optional "de luxe cab" features on the early CF1's. You had to either order them when you bought the van new or buy them later at a dealer. Can you believe it?
In the photo above, someone was able to get a hold of one still in the original box.

segunda-feira, 24 de julho de 2017

The most expensive Bedford CF2 van?

Ok, so it's time to reflect on this ebay auction that went down a few weeks ago. I posted this auction here and over the following days started seeing the bids climb in a sort of a bidding war. £10,400.00 has to be a new record for a Bedford van!

Over the years I have seen a few mint examples struggle to sell for a decent amount on ebay. This van back in 2011 comes to mind. Another mint CF was listed at £8,991.00 back in 2011 but I don't know if it ever sold. A year later another great CF sold of only £1,500.00...

Ealier this year a immaculate CF2 was listed for £5,995.00 and a pick-up CF has been available for £10,000.00 for the past 6 months. Have the classic car collectors finally found interest in the CF? Does this mean that it has now become economically viable to restore CF's to original stock condition?
With so many CF's scrapped over the years and heavily customized, the numbers of original vans have finally reached a level that is starting to push the value way up.

Conclusion: Original stock CF's are now more valuable than customized CF's. If you have an old CF that your thinking about fixing up, you now have to think twice about modifying it or restoring it back to stock form.

sexta-feira, 21 de julho de 2017

Bedford "Centaur" - Custo Mania Magazine 1986

On the cover of CustoMania Magazine (September 1986) we can see "Centaur", a customized Bedford CF from the UK. This van actually was on ebay in 2010 with a slightly different paintjob and wheels. I don't know if it sold or what happened to it. I haven't seen it online since then.

Source: Facebook

terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

A venda de peixe nas Caldas da Rainha

Encontrei esta foto numa reportagem publicada há dias na Gazeta da Caldas. Podemos ver aqui uma Bedford CF1 entre as rivais Transit MK1 e Transit MK2. A foto não tinha legenda, mas pode assumir-se que é de início dos anos 80. O local é a actual Praça 5 de Outubro nas Caldas da Rainha, a "Praça do Peixe" na época onde funcionava o mercado do peixe.
Os mercados de peixe eram um dos sectores onde as CF eram populares em Portugal, como evidência esta foto e o próprio catalogo português da Bedford CF: "aumenta a produtividade... reduz os custos... dá mais lucros".