
sábado, 9 de novembro de 2019

50 Years of CF Bedford Birthday Celebrations - New Zealand

"So this year our beloved CF Bedford's are turning 50, Actually to be somewhat precise in August , 1969 the first CF Bedford rolled off the assembly line so we at Vanz Unlimited are throwing our beloved beddies a belated birthday bash on the Canterbury show weekend - Saturday the 16th, November. The Embankment Tavern have ever so kindly agreed to host us for the Show and Shine from 10am till 3pm on the Saturday with a BBQ and a band being provided so we are inviting all CF Bedford owners to bring along their CF and show it off - there will be an entry/registration form being published for the event to register your attendance The current plan of Events are as follows: (Please note this is subject to change as numbers and availability dictate) *15 Nov. Friday Night City Cruise, Time: TBC *16 Nov. Show and Shine held at the Embankment Tavern, 10am-3pm *16 Nov. CF Bedford Dinner Celebration, Time & Venue TBC (please note that this is fully dependent on numbers attending) So Please Make Sure that you share this event and spread the word far and wide "

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Embankment Tavern 181 Ferry Road, Christchurch, New Zealand 8011

More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/371893670141919

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