
sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2016

ebay: Electric Bedford CF2 Barn Find

At first glance the paint job on this Bedford CF2 seems to be very A-Team inspired, but after reading that this van belonged to the British Airways fleet I did some googling and the color scheme and red stripe are correct with how they painted there airplanes at that era. That also explains the rotating beacon on the roof. Bedford built several hundred electric CF's and a few of them were used in airports. Those vans were used only for a hand full of years and they clocked very few miles. This one has only 22,000 miles and is in really great shape. It's very rare to see one of these let alone in this condition, a real barn find!
It does have some small rust issues you can see in the photo, the typical rust around the rear arches.
The interior seating arrangement is strange - a backwards facing rear bench and a folding side bench, with only one window on the side door... Since it was only used to transport workers and tools from the hanger to the tarmac, there was no need for comfort.
Bidding started at £1,000 and is climbing at a fast rate, this one should sell for a high price.

"Bedford cf van 1986 c reg 
Ex British airways 
Barn find 
Good solid example of a Bedford cf 
Looks superb, Would make a lovely day van 
It's electric powered 
With a diesel heater fitted 
Manufactured as this for the British airways 
Interior very clean aswell as the exterior 
Needs couple of patches doing on rear arches 
Nothing for a van of this age, usual places are solid 
22,000 miles on the clock 
No logbook present buyer will Need to apply for one
As its electric it needs to be charged. Under the bonnet on the picture there is a 4 pin plug in 
Sure it's 230v - however I haven't the plug for it. 
Would of thought easy enough to get hold of 
There is a tray of battery's under the van , Van is ready to go 
It's a no reserve auction , Cash on collection 
Any questions please feel free to contact me 
Cash on collection within 5 days of auction end and a non refundable deposit of £250 at auction end 
Viewings welcome , Happy bidding 
Sure there is lots I've missed so come and have a look "

Starting bid: £1,000.00

Location: Rugeley, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Ebay item number: 281942786964

The KDS Van: Part 3

"Visit number three in the KDS van saga, and it was time to flake. Karl had been busy prepping his Bedford CF for paint. By the time I arrived to shoot, he’d already silver flaked the whole front clip and the dash. On the morning of my visit, Karl was just doing the past preparations for painting the right side of the van that day."

"Not long after I had arrived and unpacked, and off he went. Some final rub-downs on the driver’s door, a few mark-ups of apertures and wheels and he was on it. First went the solid silver. A couple of coats of that and the van was already coming to life. A cuppa tea later, the sky was clear and the sun had his hat on so the CF was taken outside, right side perpendicular to the sunshine for the full natural baking effect. Teas down, the flake was loaded up."

"I’d seen Karl in action before, but mostly sitting at a table, striping brush in hand, fiercely concentrating on laying down details on a helmet or fender for a complex design. But I’d never seen him, or anyone for that matter, cover the entire side of a van in heavy metal flake silver paint right in front of me in a matter of minutes. Layer upon layer, the van was sparkling more and more with each pass."

"It was an impressive couple of hours, for sure. But nothing near as impressive as this van will be when it’s finished. She has been officially named by Karl. The ‘Green Wizard’ will make its debut at the Chopped Rod & Custom show in Newstead, Victoria this October (there you go Karl, it’s in print now so you have to make the deadline) and the final paint scheme will be a sight to behold. Karl was describing to me panels, fades, flames, murals, colours whilst dancing around the van enthusiastically telling me where everything was going to go. Most of it was going over my head, but it’s clear that Karl has his vision for the Green Wizard, and I think we all know it’s going to be one impressive debut."

This article first appeared in Fuel Magazine issue 20.
Follow Karl: @kdsdesigns.

Photography: Luke Ray

Source: http://fueltank.cc/blog/2015/11/26/the-kds-van-part-3

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2016

The KDS Van: Part 2

"Karl’s been busy with the CF since we last caught up with him last year. At that point in time, Karl was working on the body lines of the van and getting things straightened up. The end goal for the Bedford is a high end custom paint scheme with a high gloss finish, so getting things straight at this stage is of course imperative."

"The bodywork is now finished, including tidying up some areas of the Easy Roller body kit, a styling addition that we talked about in the previous article. Karl says he’s “still not totally sold on that front clip,” but agrees that once the the paint starts to go on, it will all begin to make sense."

"The van has been reprimed and is now the blank canvas that Karl has been waiting for. He’s also been playing with some of the details to get more of a feel for what the final look is going to be. On the day I was there, the US-sourced Thrush side pipes were tenderly clinging on to the sills with wire, mocked up purely so Karl can stand back and see what’s going on."

"The dash panel is the first sign of things to come. Painted in silver and heavily flaked, the whole van is going to be in the same colour as a base on which to work his magic. Remember, Karl is a custom painter by trade, and this van is going to be his pièce de résistance, a showcase of his wildest painted dreams all coming together on one vehicle. “I’ve got some reference ideas,” says Karl, “Places like Instagram are great tools for pooling inspiration. I have colour combinations put together and some reference imagery, but the rest will come together during the final custom paint stage.”"

"Karl has a plan for the final design, even a name for the van, but he’s staying tight lipped for now. And how long does he think the paint will take, with it’s intricacies and layers? “About a month, I reckon.” That sounds good to us. A month-worth of work from the KDS studio is bound to be impressive. We’ll be checking in soon again to see how Karl’s getting on. The next time you see the CF, it will be at least a rolling silver mirror ball, and that’s something we’re first in line to look at."

This article first appeared in Fuel Magazine issue 19.
Follow Karl: @kdsdesigns

Photography: Luke Ray.
Source: http://fueltank.cc/blog/2015/11/26/the-kds-van-part-2

terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2016

The KDS Van: Part 1

"You don’t have to go far to stumble across Karl Stehn and his work. Karl has successfully built up a reputation for himself and his studio KDS Designs as one of the finest custom painting outfits that Australia has to offer. His blog, kdsdesigns13.blogspot.com.au, sums it up in just one statement.. “POSSESSED TO PAINT”."

"In his own words, Karl describes himself as: A traditional sign writer specialising in gold leaf, hand lettering, pinstriping and kustom automotive painting. KDS has a strong presence at events around Victoria and nationally too. The folio of work with the KDS trademark style on it is large and of the highest quality, so when we heard that Karl was working on a custom van just an hour out of Melbourne, we couldn’t get down there fast enough. This was going to be good. No, this was going to be awesome."

"We haven’t really covered builds in Fuel Magazine previously, and now two in the same issue? “What the primer’s going on”, I hear you ask. Well, the Porsche is mine so it was inevitable that would be forced upon you at some point, and this is a fully custom painted Bedford with rare bodykit being built close to Melbourne. Any complaints so far..?"

"Karl’s plan as it stands is to have this van painted up and ready to show at Chopped Rod & Custom here in October. Karl and I have decided between us that covering the build will not only be good content to share with you, but it will put a rocket up him to keep the progress on track. These photos show my first visit and, all digits crossed, we will have a full shoot of the finished van in issue 19 at Christmas. It makes me nervous putting stakes in the ground that far in advance, but hey there you go, it’s done."

"However, in the meantime, I’ll be keeping the visits to KDS HQ going and regularly posting updates on our website. Just head to fuel-press.com and hit the ‘vans’ tag down the right hand side and you’ll see what’s going on every few weeks between now and December. You can also like our Facebook and Instagram pages and be spoonfed new snippets."

"The van is a 1973 Bedford CF. As far as local product goes, we don’t have the history and range of the Chevy and Econoline models that the States do, so pickings are pretty much limited to Transits and CFs in the midsize van category from this era. Karl resides in the Geelong area of Victoria and recently moved the KDS HQ to a new workshop, just last year. It was after this when something caught his eye."

"“I moved to this new place, and on my new way to work I kept seeing the van outside a panel shop in Ocean Grove,” says Karl. “It must have been nearly a year and I saw it every day.” Finally stopping in to have a chat paid off for Karl, as after some simple negotiation he walked away with a partly customised Bedford CF. How you see the van in these photos is pretty much how Karl took delivery of it, and the precise history of the CF and its modifications is not all crystal clear. The seller had done a bit of work to it, but run out of funds, and hadn’t really done much to it either. There are some signs of past-life customisation such as chrome rocker covers and other various trinkets, but Karl has to look at them as unknown fossils as there wasn’t any knowledge passed on to him with the van."

"The larger modifications do have a bit more information attached. The front bumper and wheel flare kit are relics from a competition run in the ‘70s by radio station 3XY and Coca-Cola, from which a custom CF was the main prize, called Easy Roller. It’s not clear how many kits were made, but punch ‘Easy Roller 3XY’ in to the big G and there’s plenty of detailed history available."

"The history of the side gullwing door is less known. It may have been part of the Easy Roller kit, but regardless it’s a cool addition that Karl doesn’t have to take on himself, apart from updating the hinges from the “Kitchen cupboard brackets” to a more sturdy subframe, which he has done. Karl doesn’t have any more big plans for the body. “The main thing for me was the rear lights. I restored a Holden HZ Sandman some years ago, amongst other Holden work, so I’m very familiar with them. I had a vision of putting these early Holden lights in the back of the van. I’ve been thinking about it for much longer than I’ve actually owned this van, so it’s a bit of a dream come true. This is the sort of mods that the guys were doing to custom vans back in the ‘70s, so I wanted this detail to be a fitting tribute to that era. The whole project has been in my mind for years, so it’s great that it’s actually happening now.”"

"If you think that’s going to be a tribute, wait until you see what he’s got planned for the paint and trim. To start with, Karl’s focusing on getting the body done in one colour first to offer up a blank canvas. All the bodywork is being done by Cam’s Metal & Speed in Geelong who are “Worth a feature in themselves,” says Karl, “They do awesome work.” Noted.
Karl wants the whole van to be painted in metal flake silver as a base. That’s quite a starting point for any project, and then the fun will begin. “I’ll just start sketching and see where it goes,” says Karl. Just sketching over a silver flaked custom Bedford? Yes, we’re excited too. The interior will be mildly-wild with simple upholstery and full white angel hair through. Karl plans to move the shifter to make way for a bench seat across the front compartment. He’s a family man, so there has to be a place for team KDS to hang out on road trips. The dash is a custom item that came with the van. It’s called a Custom Cab Dash and was a common addition to CFs back in ‘the day’."

"The engine is a 5L with a 9 inch diff. No huge plans there, just clean it all up, hook up the LPG tank and get everything going reliably. It sounds healthy now, so that all should work out well.
All in all, this is shaping up to be a very cool project. With a sound base to start with, a gun bodywork guy on the job, and a head full of custom paint ideas, Karl is on track to deliver a striking addition to the new wave of custom vans that is sweeping the scene, or in his own words: “For me, it’s expression on wheels and a dream come true.” Keep an eye on our website for updates, and the full, wild, final result later in the year.
This article first appeared in Fuel Magazine issue 17.
Follow Karl: @kdsdesigns."

Words & photography: Luke Ray.
Source: http://fueltank.cc/blog/2015/11/26/the-kds-van-part-1

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016

Vende-se: Bedford CF caixa-aberta - Fermelã

Estas Bedford CF de caixa aberta são bastante raras de se ver hoje em dia. Neste caso, esta é fechada com um toldo. Com um autocolante 7-UP na cabine... talvez servisse para transportar bebidas? O vendedor deixa muito pouca informação, apenas que está completa e a funcionar e que tem documentos. É um bom projecto de restauro, podendo ainda servir para muitos fins.

1.000 € Negociável

Canelas E Fermelã, Aveiro

Link: http://olx.pt/anuncio/carrinha-bedford-2-3-diesel-IDyM73l.html