
sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

Van Craft Easy Roller aka Freedom Machine

I did some research to find out more info on the Van Craft Easy Roller kit I just posted.

"Easy Roller" wasn't just a bolt on kit for your Bedford CF.
It turns out that there was a customized van called "Easy Roller" and it was the main prize in a Radio 3XY / Coca Cola summer promotion. Actually there were 3 identical vans given away in Victoria, Western Australia and New South Wales but only the one in Victoria was called Easy Roller while the other 2 were called "Freedom Machine".

This sticker below say's Freedom Machine but you can see it's the same Easy Roller shown above.

Here are a couple of promotional shots from 1979:

One of the original Easy Roller's popped up on flickr a few years ago. In the comments you can read that another Easy Roller/Freedom Machine is stored away in a garage.

Here are a couple of photos I found on Buga of the Easy Roller above before it was stripped. Note that it say's Freedom Machine... The previous owner had the original Easy Roller stickers replaced with Freedom Machine ones because he preferred that name.

I also found a topic on the Vanning Australia forum of what seems to be the restoration on the above mentioned van. The last update was last summer.

UPDATE March 2024:

"We all know the Chrysler Denim Machine, the first White Bedford Freedom Machine and the last giveaway the 3 black Bedford Van's, the Victorian Easy Roller and NSW and WA Freedom Machines. Not many left now, a replica of the Denim Machine gets around Qld, the 6 that were built have all disappeared. The white Freedom Machine was crushed in NSW about 5yrs ago, I have pics of it in NSW about a year before it was destroyed and the Easy Roller was written off in the 80s. The WA Freedom Machine is in hiding in WA but very modified from what it was. That leaves the NSW Freedom Machine by 2SM. Well I found it about 13 yrs ago, here are pics of how I found it and it's current condition. Restoration has been slow but getting there. I am aiming to get it on the road this year. Originally I thought mine was the Easy Roller but my research led me to this being the NSW van"
James Ellis - www.facebook.com/groups/40031157273

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There is awas this one below.  It was also given away at a previous Radio 3XY / Coca Cola promotion. As you can see it's a lot of confusion with the names Easy Roller and Freedom Machine. The original Freedom Machine completely different customized Bedford CF. That's the reason why the new one was called Easy Roller but for some reason 2 of the 3 vans maintained the Freedom Machine name.

 These photos seem to be of the original Freedom Machine and it's believed to have been scrapped. 

And finally, John Evans is one of the pioneers of Australian vanning and was behind Van Craft and these vans. He still has a Bedford CF called "Magic Bus" and drives it all over Australia raising money for charity.

"John Evans is widely regarded as the Godfather of Australian Vanning. With 40 years in the industry and famous for personal rides Tangerine Dream, Reincarnation and Tangerine Dream II, John was inducted into the Majestic Vanners Vanning Legends 'Hall of Fame' in November 2012. He was an original partner in Vancraft and built the Easy Roller and Freedom Machine Bedfords in the 70's and continues his tradition of automotive artistic excellence via his current business Racepaint/Fleeting Image. A true Gentleman and legendary Vanner."

2 comentários:

  1. I saw the Coca-Cola Victorian van shortly after it was given away in the competition. It was behind a tow truck in Burwood Road Hawthorn Victoria and had hit a light pole right bang in the centre of the car. It was totalled and was a sad day for me as I had entered the competition trying to win it heaps of times. I finally ended up with a CF camper van that came out from England and had the 4 cylinder replaced with the Holden 186 red motor. Ah 1970's bring em back

  2. They used to keep them for promotions at the dawson street coke warehouse. We would walk across the road from Brunswick Tech and go look at the vans. We were able to get inside all the ones they gave away
