
terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Thirsty Work - The Lower Van Diaries

I just now found a blog about a Bedford van called "Thirsty Work". The van belongs to LOWER - a fashion clothing brand in New Zealand. It's been around for a couple of years but unfortunately it looks like it's coming to an end as they are selling the van.

"This is truly the end of an era for us. Our Bedford van which has been apart of Lower for over 2 years is up for Sale. It has been a great vehicle for us and a real mascot but it’s time to say good bye and move on. She shall be missed. It is for sale on trade me here if you know anyone that would be keen get them bidding."

If your reading this in New Zealand and are looking for a Bedford van, here's a good one. It's a 1979 Bedford CF250 with a Red Six VK Commodore Engine and Tri-matic auto. With very little custom work, the red paint and turbine style wheels are enough to make it stick out.

Check out the Thirsty Work blog to see it's story: www.lower.co.nz/thirstywork

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